December 15, 2020
Biological Fire Retardants
December 15, 2020The Great Australian Bight Seawater Pumped Hydro Energy Storage, Aquaculture, CO2/Climate Change Mitigation, ….a clever Nation Building Project of note.
The Australian Energy landscape
Curiously very little information is available in this rapidly changing renewables industry landscape, even the very big players are ill informed. Whereas, the above project is a sophisticated concept involving an off-shelf renewable, doable hydro energy STORAGE system that IS essential for the Australian energy grid stability and beyond. Grid stability is the important thing – NOT base load or energy generation. There is the additional capacity to terra forma our remote arid coastal landscape into a doable CO2 mitigating oasis that includes a futuristic resort/university campus for our Space Industry, aquaculture, an extensive agricultural hub, and the potential to expand a water grid nation-wide.
The importance of scientific uncertainty (regarding climate change and all else) has been seen as a weakness. Now it is Governments, the investors and infrastructure companies that will need to deal with this rapidly changing sector of unknown elements and important public expectations. Both bureaucratic and political decision making now has to be done under conditions of uncertainty and sometimes unashamed ignorance of the big picture. The world’s media also struggles with the authority factor of absolutes. Thankfully some of blatant exploitation and unnecessary foreign investments have been pruned back, but the risk of missteps is real and likely to be very costly, i.e. Snowy II. My GAB project is a NO regrets win/win investment prospect that will enhance grid stability and actually easily pay for itself.
Cynically, money for the re-colonisation of Australia (via Westminster party coffers) reigns supreme. Additionally, in the absence of any form of leadership there has been a culture (converting into a problematic “cult of exploitation” of the blind leading the blind/dog eat dog cowboy country) that is rife in most of our Australian institutions. Institutions hate uncertainty and easily find the strategic need to not react – rather than over react and waste kudos, yet the price of this non-evaluated engagement is VERY high. The “Rum Core” public service is simply work-adverse, on all issues.